Monday, January 24, 2011

Making Time: How my dad added years to his life - and life to his years.

I have had a few people ask me now about the methods/plan my dad used to add years to his life.  For those of you who don't know, in the Fall of 2006 at the age of 61, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 advanced prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones.  He was at a Gleason Score of 9 (basically a Gleason Score is a measure of prognosis ranging from 2 to 10 - 10 being the worst) and was given a prognosis of 6 months tops.  The Doctor basically was telling him that it would be his last Thanksgiving, last Christmas, and probably would not see his next birthday.  While many patients would hear that as a death sentence and go home to wait out their days, my dad saw it as his next challenge in life and went home to figure out how he was going to beat this thing.  His story is one of inspiration and one that I am working on to share.  However, at this point, I want to focus on some of his methods that he used which added two more years to his life.

In his mind, the best formula was this (there was no science behind these numbers - it was simply a way to gauge where he aimed his focus):

10% Traditional Medicine
15% Nutrition
20% Supplements
10% Exercise
20% Attitude
15% Spirit & Faith
        A. Meditation
        B. Visualization
10% Black Magic

* (I will mention Shaklee several times - there is more info below)
Traditional Medicine:
     * Dexamethason - Chemo Steroid 4mg
     * Hormone Therapy
Nutrition: (targeted daily intake)
     * A sensible diet (which became primarily vegetarian) - see the book The Taste For Living Cookbook
     * Shaklee Cinch Shake with 8oz soy milk (more info on Shaklee down below)
     * 80oz Water
     * 16oz V-8/Tomato Juice
     * 16oz Pomegranate Juice (100% pure pom - check the label)
     * 8oz Acai Juice (100% pure juice or pulp)
     * 16oz green tea
Supplements - targeted daily intake: (these are all made by Shaklee - please see below for important info)  I will also mention here that I am not a Doctor of any kind and the information below comes directly from Shaklee's website.  Most of the claims made have not been FDA approved (as you will find with most holistic care). For more specific information on the supplement 'right-click' on the name and select "open in new window" so it is easy to navigate back to my blog.
     * Vita Strip (multi-vitamin, omega-3, B+C complex, pro biotic) - Foundation for a healthy system
     * Alfalfa (18 tabs) - Joint pains, arthritis, aches/pains
     * Fiber (3 tabs) - digestive health
     * B Complex (1 tab) - Cardiovascular, essential in the synthesis of DNA and new cells
     * Vita C (6 tabs) - Antioxidant
     * E Complex (3 tabs) - Antioxidant, heart, brain, and prostate health and promotes lung, colon, and immune function
     * Carotomax (3 softgels) - Antioxidant, supports immune system
     * OsteoMatrix (6 caps) - bone strength, supports blood pressure, muscle contraction and nerve transmission
     * Garlic Complex (2 tabs) - blood pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular
     * Optiflora (3 balls) - digestive health
     * Zinc (1 tab) -  immune function, important for the synthesis of protein and the genetic material DNA
     * Omega Guard (3 softgels) - cardiovascular health
     * CoQ Heart (2 softgels) - heart health, antioxidant
     * Lecithin (4 softgels) - supports brain, liver, cardiovascular, and reproductive health
     * Cholesterol Regulating Complex (6 softgels) - cardiovascular
     * Joint Health Complex (3 caps) - Joints
     * Liver DTX complex (2 caps) - Liver health
     * Flavomax (3 caps) - antioxidant protection to the blood and blood rich tissues
     * Nutriferon (6 tabs) - immune system

     * It is important that you get advice from a doctor and/or certified personal trainer as to the best route you should take for exercise.  However, exercise is a key ingredient in supporting your immune system.

     * My dad's plan: POSITIVE!  Talk Positive - Read Positive - Think Positive - Believe Positive - Avoid Negative People - Avoid Negative Reading - Avoid Negative Doctors
     * I can't recommend enough that everyone healthy or sick watch The Secret: The Law of Attraction and watch it over and over!

Spirit & Faith
     * While this can mean something different to everyone, for my dad it was about Meditation and Visualization.  It was about clearing his head of everything and focusing on positive energy.  Going to a peaceful place in his mind and feeling 'safe'.  It was about mentally cleansing the soul.
      * This provided support for maintaining a positive attitude.

Black Magic
     * Quite honestly I don't know what this exactly meant to him, however he and I were very similar in mind and to me this would more or less sum up the 'universe' responding to his efforts.  It would be the 'universe' meeting him 10% of the way. 

I realize that this isn't for everyone and I expect plenty of criticism to this approach.  But, whatever it was, it gave me 2 more years with my dad.  I also know that there is plenty of science out there to support the effectiveness of a holistic approach to health care and I truly believe that we will see a tremendous growth in the popularity of it through the next several years.

If you are unfamiliar with Shaklee, please see my blog titled: What is Shaklee

While many of the vitamins and supplements listed above are available from other manufacturers at your local drug store, please understand that there are HUGE differences in quality and delivery of the ingredients.  I mention this because if you choose to take a holistic approach I wish for you to be successful and I know the quality of Shaklee products and know they work.

Please note: Shaklee offers a 100% money back guarantee that you will feel/see results from using their products.  Also, some of the supplements listed above may be covered by your health insurance company if you get a Rx from your Doctor.

I want to make it clear that I am not sharing this information for financial gain.  I became a distributor with Shaklee because I have personally experienced and witnessed the benefits of using their products.  I cannot express my gratitude strongly enough for their roll in allowing me extra time with my dad.  Because Shaklee products are not available at any store I became a distributor so I could share this information with others.  It is my passion to help others and I get more self fulfillment from helping others than I do anything else.

Please visit my other Blogs (see the "Archives" to the right of the screen), feel free to comment, ask questions, or you can also check out my Shaklee site by clicking on the link below my picture.  Thank you for visiting!  I hope I can change your life!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fight The Cold (and other sickness)

Lately I have seen many posts on Facebook from friends who are suffering from colds, flu, and other viruses.  I know how easy it is to be a sceptic, but there really are some natural vitamins and supplements that can help drastically reduce your risk of catching them, stop them in their tracks when you feel it coming on, and or reduce the adverse affects so you can still function.  I'm not suggesting this to try to sell you something - I am suggesting it because I have found a natural way to fight these things and I want to share it with everyone!  Aside from the 83,000 tests annually for quality, I have personally experienced the benefits from using these products.  It is very rare that I get sick and when I do I start fighting it early and generally get away without getting 'knocked down'.  These products are 100% guaranteed!  Even after using the whole bottle, if you don't feel any difference send it back for a 100% refund!  With a guarantee like that it is hard not to give it a shot.  Sure you can go down to the drug store and pick up some OTC cold and flu drugs to mask your symptoms - OR you can take some 100% natural vitamins and herbal supplements and stop it before it comes on. 

"I can get the same thing from ---mart for half the cost".  Well, actually no, you can't. 
     * Shaklee products are manufactured under strict quality guidelines.  Every ingredient is tested multiple times to be sure every bottle is of the purest and cleanest quality.
     * Shaklee vitamins have a patented delivery system S.M.A.R.T (click to see).  They have done studies to determine where along the digestive track specific vitamins/supplements/nutrients need to be 'released' in order for them to be absorbed and effective.  Chances are, that commercially bought multi-vitamin you are taking never makes it to where it needs to be.
     * Shaklee has a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee if you don't notice a difference.

Products are available at retail prices, however I would suggest paying the one time membership fee because you will recover it quickly with the discounts and if you find these to work as well as I have, I am sure you will be re-ordering.  The membership fee is a one time deal (not monthly, yearly, etc.) and start at $19.95 - this gives you a 15% discount on everything all the time, access to other occasional discounts and savings, access to all kinds of health and wellness related articles, and the ability to start your own referral based business.  Other memberships are available that include materials for someone really looking to build a business.

Products I would suggest for an adult (kids products are available as well):
**product information is direct from Shaklee - the statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA (as you will find with any vitamins/supplements).

     * Vitalizer (3 formulations for Women, Men, Seniors): $79.25
          - This is a 30 day supply of 6 different essential foundation products. (Vita-Lea multi vitamin, Carato-E-Omega blend (2), B+C complex (2), Optiflora Probiotic).  From my own experience: I have been taking these for about 18 years and noticed within a few days just how crappy I was feeling before.  Increased energy, better sleeping, stronger immune system, just generally feeling better.

     * Nutriferon: $39.00
          - Patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. When used daily, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system.**  From my own experience: I have taken this daily since its introduction and have noticed a big difference in my ability to stay healthy.  For several years I have traveled a great deal by car and plane and have been around tons of people at trade shows and in stores during peak cold & flu season.  It is very seldom that I get sick and when I do start to feel something coming on I pair it with Defend and Resist Complex.

     * Defend & Resist Complex: $17.30
          - Shaklee's blend of echinacea purpurea to stimulate the body’s natural resistance,** black elderberry to help maintain a healthy immune response,** and larch tree to enhance immune support.**  From my own experience: When I get that first feeling that something may be coming on, I start taking these (6/day) for the first few days and then decrease the dosage depending on my condition.  Generally, I can stop whatever it is dead in its tracks.  If it does 'set in', by continuing to take these in addition to the rest of my 'plan' I am able to function as though it wasn't even there.

There are certainly other Shaklee products that would go a long way towards helping anyone out, but this would be the best place to get started and a HUGE step towards investing in your health.  I can't make any guarantees on how it will effect your health, however in my mind here are some possibilities: 
     * potentially save or better your chances down the road from sickness/disease (cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, colds, flu, mersa, etc)
     * Save hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospitalization/treatment costs (according to, average heart attack costs apx. $760,000)
     * Keep you from having to dump toxins into your body to fix one problem only to cause another (ever really consider the side effects of prescription drugs or the long term unknown effects?  According to, there were 1,472 different types of prescription and OTC drug recalls in 2009)
     * Support a company that supports you.  (see my blog "What is Shaklee")

If you are interested in getting started, just ask me how.

Please visit my other Blogs (see the "Archives" to the right of the screen), feel free to comment, ask questions, or you can also check out my Shaklee site by clicking on the link below my picture.  Thank you for visiting!  I hope I can change your life!

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's Really Quite Simple

It seems to be getting easier for people to understand and be open to the benefits of natural, organic, "green" products.  More and more research is being done and published as to the side effects of the numerous chemicals we come in contact with on a daily basis, the advantages of organic foods, and the benefits to both people and the earth of going "green". 

Shaklee is simply about networking with people to build a stronger bond and unity with the concepts of Happy Healthy Living.  It isn't about a hard sale or trying to convert someone to a pyramid.  All it takes is knowing people and sharing with them this valuable resource for products that many of them are already using less safe alternatives of. 

Did you know that according to multiple sources, recent estimates suggest that in today's societies, an average adult has about 5,000 acquaintances of which at least 100 could be contacted immediately?!  How many people do you know that:
     take some kind of vitamins?
     use cosmetics?
     clean their house?
     take a shower?
     wash their hands?
     are trying to lose weight?
     have kids?
     are looking for a career, new career, better life, want to spend more time with
     family, friends, doing things they love, living "the dream" (whatever that is to
The list could go on and on!  Shaklee can do that for you.  They are in the business of creating Happy Healthy Lives.  It's Really Quite Simple!

Please visit my other Blogs (see the "Archives" to the right of the screen), feel free to comment, ask questions, or you can also check out my Shaklee site by clicking on the link below my picture.  Thank you for visiting!  I hope I can change your life!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's not about the money.

One of the hardest obstacles to overcome when you are trying to share an opportunity like Shaklee is that everyone thinks you are trying to sell them something.  We live in a society where we are bombarded everyday by people trying to sell us a miracle - whether it be someones "get rich quick scheme", a magic pill that will make you loose 20 lbs. over night, or a cream that will take years off your appearance.  It is a bunch of companies that do a great job advertising so they can pull money from your pocket.  I am willing to admit that I am one of the suckers that has bought into some of them.

Here is what I have experienced with Shaklee and why it is different. 

Shaklee is NOT a get rich quick scheme.
     Making a living by sharing the Shaklee lifestyle takes effort because people are going to think you are trying to sell them something.  It takes time to gain their trust.

After experiencing the benefits of the products that Shaklee has to offer, it is easy to become passionate about sharing the experience.
     While there is unparalleled opportunities to earn a substancial income and bonuses from Shaklee, that isn't the reason people promote it.  It is because they have used the products and want to share the life changing effects.

Shaklee offers a great support system so you aren't on your own.
     Aside from their great customer support at the headquarters, it is hard to find someone in the Shaklee network that isn't willing to help you get started in talking with people.

ALL of Shaklee's great products are backed by a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
     If for any reason at all a consumer is not satisfied with any product, Shaklee with refund 100% of the cost even if the product has been completely used.  That is a sign of how confident they are that the products work!

I want to mention again that when you begin a Shaklee lifestyle and become an Independent Distributor, you do it because you have experienced the benefits of Shaklee products and want to share the experience.  It's not about the money.  Yes, it is a business, but we are in the business of helping people.

Please visit my other Blogs (see the "Archives" on the right), feel free to comment, ask questions, or you can also check out my Shaklee site by clicking on the link below my picture.  Thank you for visiting!  I hope I can change your life!

What is Shaklee?

For those of you unfamiliar with Shaklee, you can visit their "About Us" website here: .

But, here are some of the highlights:
* number one natural nutrition company in the U.S HERE is why

* the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral™ certification and totally offset our CO2 emissions.  More info HERE

*When everybody else was spending their marketing dollars on advertising, Shaklee invested what would amount to billions of dollars in rewards for people who spread the word.  Not to mention millions of dollars in research and development. More info HERE

*Commitment to doing whats right simply because it is.  More info HERE

*A genuine belief by CEO Roger Barnett that, "The real opportunity isn't in making a better living.  It's in making living better" More info on the Shaklee Opportunity HERE

*Over $3 BILLION (with a B) paid in commissions!  More info HERE

*Unparalleld income and bonus opportunities!  More info HERE

Please visit my other Blogs, feel free to comment, ask questions, or you can also check out my Shaklee site by clicking on the link below my picture.  Thank you for visiting!  I hope I can change your life!

2011 - A new year. A new me. A new you?

Thank you for visiting my Blog!  In an effort to reach out to as many people as possible I decided to give this medium a try.  It is my hope that you will find some information on here that will help you in your life and even better yet, change your life! 

I am excited to say the least, about the potential I have to impact lives in such a big way by sharing the knowledge I have acquired and the opportunities that have been presented to me which I can pass on to you.  For those of you who know me well, you know that I tend to take on a little more than I can handle because I want to help everyone!  I like to think of it as a quality and it's something that I am so passionate about.  For a few years now I have been in a sense struggling to keep my ambition going for my job.  While the income and 'life' of the job was good, it was severely lacking the self-fulfillment I get from helping others succeed.  While I had no intention of making a career change in such a dramatic way, "the universe" had other plans for me.

This past Summer I received a phone call from a company that I had been associated with for ten years and had personally been contracted with for two years, to inform me that they were not going to renew my contract.  This was my "meat and potatoes" contract, so to speak and the news hit me hard!  In one phone call I went from an upper $60K income to $0 with no backup plan.  I know that I am not alone in this scenario and I know that there are many others out there that were hit much worse!  "Luckily" for me, I was single with no kids and no mortgage.

Clinging to the values and qualities that my parents instilled into me, I have managed to keep a positive attitude about the whole situation and trust that everything will work out.   While I have been wrestling with what the next 'stage' is going to be, an opportunity appeared that had been in front of me for quite some time.  I discovered that there exists a company that is continually looking for business partners and would fulfill my passions.  This isn't just your "average Joe" company.  They are a Fortune 500 Company that is a leader in the health and wellness industry.  They are backed by over 50 years of research and development with a founder who was a pioneer in natural, organic, and healthy living.  The CEO, Roger Barnett, has created a plan that allows Shaklee's business partners the ability to make a living by "living".  This opportunity is available to anyone and I want to make everyone I know aware of this opportunity so you are able to fulfill your dreams of living.

Please visit my other Blogs, feel free to comment, ask questions, or you can also check out my Shaklee site by clicking on the link below my picture.  Thank you for visiting!  I hope I can change your life!